Search by Topic
As a project grows, it may contain a large list of topics which appear on the project homepage. Because of this, inVision allows users to search by topic name.
This will filter the list of categories and topics to only show topics containing words included in the search.
To do this, users can type into the "Filter" section at the top right of the categories list.
For example, if a user is interested in the competitor earnings report topics, they can search the word "earnings" to filter the list of topics.
This does require some working knowledge of the project as a user will need to know how the topics are named. However, topics are usually named in a way that users can usually find what they are looking for in few attempts.
Team Views
Another way to simplify the list of topics in a project is by using Team Views.
Team Views allow users to only see the topics deemed important to a certain team.
If a project has Team Views setup, they will appear above the categories on the project homepage.
When a Team View is selected, only the topics, documents, visuals, etc. relevant to that team are displayed.
If users are unsure if they are in a Team View, they can refer to the top of the page which will display the Team View name followed by "Dashboard". To switch to a different Team View, users can use the menu to the top right of the categories section.
If a user was previously using a Team View, they will remain in that Team View whenever signing into the project. To return to the complete project dashboard, users should open the "Switch to Team View" menu and select "Master Team View".