Sharing Public Links

Learn how to create and share public links to specific conference images, a gallery of images, or a specific file.

Doug Foster avatar
Written by Doug Foster
Updated over a week ago

Sharing Links

With inVision, you can typically share a URL to a conference post, document, or image by just copying the URL from your browser. But when you send it to someone, they need to have an inVision login to access that page. If you want to share with a wider audience, you need to create a "Public Link" that links directly to the image, and can be accessed by anyone.

Creating Public Links to Conference Images

To create a public link to conference images, first scroll down to the Conference Images section of any conference post. On the right you can click on the Share button and select one of the sharing options.

All Images (Private Link) - will create a link back to the conference post. It is a private link and will require users to have a login to access the post.

All Images (Public Link) - will create a public link to a special page that will display the conference name, the post title, and a gallery of all images for that post.

Featured Images (Public Link) - will create a public link to a special page that will only display the featured images (shown highlighted in red on the screen).

Creating Public Links to One Image or File

To create a public link for just one specific image or file, use the Manage Images button, which will bring you to a page with each individual image.

Once you are on the Manage Photos page, you will see each individual image and file that has been uploaded for the post. They each have a Share Public Link button that will create a public URL and copy it to your clipboard.

Sending Public Links

Each time you create a public link, that link is copied to your computers keyboard. You then can paste that into an email, or PowerPoint slide to send to others as needed. Remember, that public links are designed to expire after a set amount of time to limit security concerns.

Managing Public Links

To view all of the current public links you can see a list of them under Manage Public Links in the Settings menu.

Setting Up Public Links for the Project

To set up Public Links for your specific project you need to enable them in the Settings Menu under Standard Project Settings. You can also set the number of days before the public links expire.

NOTE: You need to have admin access for this, or you can email [email protected] and they can help you.

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